Creating a godly morning routine is a powerful way to align your heart with God and start your day with purpose. Here are 7 simple steps to help you cultivate this routine:
So, there are 7 Simple Steps to Creating A Godly Morning Routine:

1. Give thanks! "Thank you Lord for waking me up this morning!"
Just a simple, Thank you, Lord for waking me up this morning!" Scripture to encourage and remind you to give thanks in the morning:
Psalm 90:14 - "Satisfy us in the morning with Your graciousness,
That we may sing for joy and rejoice all our days."
Psalm 118:24 - "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Philippians 4:4 - " Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice."
Why should we rejoice every day? Rejoicing is a form of worship. When we worship we give God all the glory and honor. We acknowledge and honor Him for who He is and all He has done. He deserves all of the glory and all of the praise. He is The Creator of all things. We are His creation and we should give Him thanks! Thank you Lord for opening my eyes this morning! Thank you Lord for giving me oxygen to breathe! Thank you Lord! Start your mornings giving thanks, because God is faithful!
2. Prayer
Prayer is our way of communicating with God. So, it's imperative as Christians or believers we should seek Him first every morning (everyday). Sometimes as believers we aren't so sure of what we are to pray about. And Jesus gave us a simple way of how we all should pray in Matthew 6:9:13,
Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 ‘Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 ‘Give us this day [a]our daily bread.
12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 ‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from [b]evil. [c][For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’]
And when there are times we don't know what we ought to pray for scripture says in Romans 8:26 "...the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;"
There are times we might not have the words to say, but just be still with our hearts and our minds focus on God's kingdom. He knows and searches the hearts of his children. He knows everything, every thought and need before we pray about it. So, if He knows before we even ask, why is it still necessary to pray about it? Because it shows we rely fully on who He is "all-knowing" God. We bring Him glory and praises because we honor Him as the source to meet every need we seek from Him. He will meet and provide. Prayer is so vital to us, because when we pray we seek to have a relationship with God. Take time out your morning routine and set aside time for prayer. There are so many things we can pray about family, careers, life, marriage, friendships, relationships, and health or illness.
3. Bible Study
Setting aside quiet time to open your Bible and read the scriptures is also vital to our relationship with God. We know Him through His word. When we seek to know Him we seek the scriptures with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I like to start mornings with Bible Study in the morning because it prepares my thoughts and heart for the day. Plus, my home is quite because either the kids or sleeping or at school and there are less distractions. Whatever God has placed on my heart I will look for it in scripture and study that particular verse or passage. What materials I like to have when I'm studying The Bible is a journal for note taking, highlighter, commentary Bible, and my Bible. Having a journal for note taking is great for writing things down for memory or things that stood out to me that God put on my heart. I am currently studying the book of Deuteronomy and have use my notebook to write down important or keywords that will be helpful to me to understand God's Word if I ever have to go look back to read it. Along with my journal as I read from The Bible, I have a commentary study Bible that has been very helpful in my bible study. Dr. Tony Evans Bible Commentary is a really good to read along with your Bible study to understand scripture in a sense of the context of how the books were written originally in Hebrew language. Tony Evans does very well breaking down the context of the scripture because sometimes it can be a lot to take it all in, but its very rewarding when you have someone whose studied scripture for decades to help guide you along with your study.
Although, my Bible Study isn't always consistent when it comes to what time of the day I study God's Word. I enjoy spending quiet time studying in the morning. But, if that isn't always the case setting time for Bible Study at night (when my home is quiet; everyone is asleep) or early in the day. Be intentional about your time studying God's Word. When you make an appointment to meet Him throughout your day use that time to always meet with Him. You will start to build intimacy and experiencing His presence each day. This wouldn't be any different then you making a doctor's appointment or going to watch your favorite TV series each week. If you want to know God's Word, you have to take the time to get to know Him by studying His Word. If we have time to spend doing all other things, why can't we make time with God?
4. Worship Through Music
Listening to worship music in the morning brightens my spirit. It brings joy and calmness to my spirit listening to worship music. I have a few playlist on Apple Music where I have created a list of songs for worship. Artist like Elevation Rhthym, Marvin Sapp, Terrian, Elevation Worship, Jonathan McReynolds, Travis Greene, and many more. There is a wide range of worship music you can listen to in the morning.
5. Speak Affirmations "I am loved"
Christian affirmations are positive, faith-based declarations that reflect biblical truths and can help strengthen one's faith and mindset. They can be powerful reminders of God’s promises and truths in everyday life.
These affirmations are rooted in scripture and can be used daily to encourage faith and maintain a positive spiritual mindset.
6. Journal
Establishing a godly routine through morning journaling is a powerful way to begin the day with intention and spiritual focus. By writing prayers, sharing your thoughts openly with God, and expressing your emotions or reflections on how your day is unfolding, you create a sacred space for connection and reflection. This practice allows you to surrender your worries and desires to God while inviting His presence and guidance into your daily life. Journaling offers a tangible way to pour out your heart, seek God's wisdom, and recognize His blessings, fostering a deeper sense of peace, clarity, and purpose as you move through the day.
7. Listen to podcast or sermon
Preparing a godly morning routine that includes listening to a sermon or podcast can transform how you start your day, setting a spiritual tone that draws you closer to God. Begin by setting aside a quiet time, whether it's while enjoying your morning coffee, during a commute, or as part of your morning walk. Create an atmosphere that invites peace—perhaps lighting a candle or finding a comfortable space free of distractions. Before you press play, center yourself in prayer, asking God to speak to your heart and open your mind to His wisdom. Choose a podcast or sermon that aligns with where you are in your faith journey, focusing on themes that encourage growth, like patience, trust, or spiritual renewal. As you listen, take notes on key points, Bible verses, or reflections that stand out to you. Afterward, spend a few minutes in quiet reflection or journaling, asking God to help you apply the message throughout your day. This routine helps you intentionally start your day rooted in faith, fostering peace, purpose, and spiritual clarity as you move forward.
Creating a godly morning routine is a powerful way to align your heart with God and start your day with purpose. Here are 7 simple steps to help you cultivate this routine: First, give thanks as soon as you wake up, expressing gratitude to God for the gift of a new day. Then, move into a moment of prayer, seeking God's guidance and peace for the day ahead. Follow this by spending time in Bible study, reading scripture that nourishes your soul and provides spiritual insight. Next, set the tone with worship music, allowing praise to lift your spirit and draw you closer to God. As you listen, speak affirmations over your life, using God's promises to declare faith, strength, and purpose. Afterward, take time to journal, writing down your prayers, thoughts, or reflections on the scripture you've read. Finally, finish by listening to a podcast or sermon that inspires spiritual growth and deepens your understanding of God's word. These simple steps will help you create a consistent, God-centered morning routine that anchors you in faith and fills your day with peace and purpose.
In Him,
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